While we work together to help a fellow fabric lover, let's give her a few words of encouragement. Please leave your good wishes as a comment on this blog. Anna will see them. Help comes in all forms -- even words. But read below how we can all help her beat cancer and pay her bill. (Note, if you don't want to jump through Google hoops to leave a message, just email me and I'll post it under anonymous with your name and website as the signature. derrolgoldsmith@bellsouth.net) -- Dawn
Can this really be happening to one of our artists?
Anna Millea, (shown in photo) a longtime Guild and Artful Home artist, is fighting breast cancer - again. The disease has returned aggressively and is now in her bones, requiring an extreme sixteen rounds of chemotherapy. She has no insurance, having been deemed uninsurable due to her "pre-existing condition." When we at The Guild/Artful Home learned of this we knew we needed to do something to try to help her through this situation.
What we have come up with is an event we are calling "Hearts for Anna", to which we hope you will contribute and donate a little bit of your time and talent. Artful Home will hold a 5-day online event, "Hearts for Anna", August 12-16, 2009 in which miniature artworks, no larger than 5" x 7", will be sold. The items will be sold first-come, first serve, with all ite

Requirements for donated artwork: (Deadline: August 7)
Participation is open to all artists, both Artful Home members and non-members. The point is to get great participation, and thus give a greater hand to Anna.
The artwork can be in any medium, no larger than 5" x 7". Artists in all media are encouraged to participate and donate works.
The artwork should be one of a kind, though each artist participating can submit more than one piece.
All work should fall within the theme of "Hearts for Anna", however the artist chooses to interpret this.
Download and fill out the submission form.
Submission form and photograph must be submitted by August 7 to HeartsForAnna@artfulhome.com
Requirements for Fulfillment:
Purchases for artwork will be processed through Artful Home's system.
Please send your donated work to Artful Home by August 11 and we will send it on to the buyer.
Getting out the Word:
Artful Home will be soliciting donated work from artists around the US and Canada.
We are hoping you can help spread the word to other artists as well as potential purchasers by posting the information on any forums, blogs, Facebook pages, Tweets in which you participate.
Call and email your friends. Write a letter. However you choose to spread the word will be helpful.
Artful Home will then be promoting the actual August event through press releases, Tweets, blogs, emails - the full court press.
Again, we will ask you to pass along this information to any individuals or groups, artists and buyers, that you know who you can help support the event.
The more people who come to the site and purchase these miniatures, the more money is raised for Anna. So it's pretty simple.
Thank you so much -- Lisa Bayne (lbayne@guild.com)
One look at Anna's smile and the work she produces convinces that she lives life with a happy heart, lives joyously. And we need all of the joy and happiness we can pour into this sour old world, so lets help Anna back to good health so we can enjoy her smile -- and her art -- for years to come!!! -- Dawn
Dear Lisa, I wish to contribute something to the sale, however because I am moving to Canada, all my belongings are in boxes ready to load. I could make a paypal gift to help offset costs. Have you set up an account, or would mailing a cheque be better. I can still do that easily if you would respond with the address.
Anna, you make such beautiful fabric art, thank you. Just think of the chemo making its own beautiful, healing art in you!
Anna, 12 years ago I had a recurrence of breast cancer with bone mets, and I'm still here and stitching. Keep your chin up and subversively fight! Many hugs.
Lisa Quintana
Dear Anna,
I know it is NOT therapeutic to be angry about your recurrence, so I shall be angry for you. Such a beautiful creative person should not have to repeat the ordeal of fighting this disease. On the other hand, looking at your work makes me happy and I suspect MAKING it makes you happy. All my best karma to you, Anna.
Pamela Allen
Dear Anna,
I send my best healing prayers to you as you fight this beast.
Dear Anna
You will be in my prayers and I hope that all the kind thoughts, comments and prayers of the quilting world will help you and give you strength to fight, with love, Lis
Dear Anna,
My heart is with you and I know, having been through chemo myself almost 9 years ago, how difficult -- and how worth the fight it is! Hugs for strength and I'm thinking all the best thoughts for you.
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