Anyway, I had to smile at the freedom and fun I saw sewn into each quilt.
While surfing, I thought I'd check out a few other far off lands and since its feeling a bit frigid here in Florida (temperatures dipped into the 40s! Oh my!) I thought of Nordic regions. And stumbled across the Norwegian Quilters Association. This winning entry caught my fancy. The purples and blues look so cold! I also was drawn to the quilt featuring a blue door and a chicken -- the quilt feels of simpler times, an European flavor with the simple blue door.

And then I spotted the Northern Sunflower wallhanging at another site: Quilt Around the World, complete with pattern. They looked cold and so inviting all at the same time. Love the use of colors and the spirals and spikes give a sense of movement. Also on that same site a variation on the pineapple pattern utilized the vibrant blues and looked like a stained glass window with the vibrant colors, yet not primitive or primary colors, more subtle than that. For those who enjoy log cabin designs. Check out the log cabin cube wall hanging. I don't think I've seen that done before.

The children's quilts and other wallhangings hold such whimsy at the Quilt Around the World site. Especially the Dancing Cheek to Cheek. If these quilts don't brighten your winter doldrums or put you in the mood to make something new -- you may require an intercession! Can't you hear the music? The jazzy sax and feel the love? Nothing says love like poultry. It's just so free spirited and fun loving I can't help but love it. And there are patterns!!!
Who says we have to be serious when we're designing quilts! Maybe cold weather will bring out our fun loving sides.
Often while surfing for Norwegian quilts, I came upon sites where Norwegian quilters proudly
offered photos of their quilts and to my dismay they were familiar wedding ring quilts and traditional patterns I grew up with. Yet, there's something to be said about a global community of quilters who can embrace quilt patterns no matter what country of origin.

Hope these samples of quilting in other lands will warm your winter day a bit. It did mine and set my fingers itching to try something just for fun! Maybe for a gift for someone with a carefree heart!